BULLIES – part 10

I will not be intimidated in my own home. I walked up to Agent Black.  A confident, not arrogant, smile on my face and my right hand outstretched to shake his hand. He reached out, with his left hand, to shake mine. Do you know how awkward it is to shake a left-handed person’s hand? […]

BULLIES – Part 9

5 PM   I’m almost home. Just five more minutes. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. How can I maybe be a fugitive? I’ve never done anything, that bad, in my life. Sure I get on the internet and say mean things. But, everyone does. Don’t they? Of course, they do! The day started so well.  Even the […]

BULLIES – part 8

Okay, I’m out of the building. I just need to get to my car and get the hell out of town. I need to stop and get a little gas, cash, and food. Lot’s of people leaving. Even my good old bro dude Chris is heading out. Well, won’t Cheryl to be upset to find […]

BULLIES – part 7

4 PM   In an hour and a half, I’m supposed to be meeting with agent Black. I don’t want to meet with Agent Black. I want to go home, eat dinner, pretend to listen to everyone speak to me, watch my shows, check my groups and chat. Well, chat with people that I want […]

BULLIES part – 6

3:00 PM   I had to pretend to work for a while. Cheryl came in to see if I needed anything. I don’t think she cared. She had a slight smirk on her face when she asked me if I was okay. She said that I looked a little warm. I told her that I […]