Maggie Part 7 – Party Plans

Patrice asked, “What will happen to our group?” 

Roy said, “We’ll figure that out on Monday. We’ll, of course, need a new manager and we’ll have to go through whatever Jennifer was working on before this… well, this happened.” 

Dennis perked up and said “I think we should respect her wishes and go through with the Christmas party.  She was really excited about planning it.”  

Dennis excitedly continued and said, “One of the last things she said was “I hope everyone dances and someone sings some Beyonce’.

Dennis clapped his hands and said, “Before the music starts we’ll all say a few words for her and I’ll dedicate, ‘Halo’. I feel like it’s fitting, considering the recent circumstances.”   With that Dennis turned  his back to us and then, with a dramatic twirl, turned back to us and started to sing, “I can see your Haaaaalloooooo!”

   Roy said put his hand up and said, “She didn’t seem like she really cared about Christmas parties. But, I trust you to make the plans with Maggie and we’ll give her a good send off.”  

Jessica screamed, from across the room, “I love a good send off!”  


We all said our goodbyes and went home early.

 Patrice walked out the door with her shoulders slumped down and sighed, “Have a good weekend everyone.”

  Jessica said, “Whatever kind of weekend we have it’ll be better than Jennifer’s.”

Patrice actually hissed and said, “Jessica! Have some respect for the the..” She burst out in tears and ran to her car.

  Jessica looked at me and said, “And with that, good evening. Future manager.”

I looked at her and asked, “Do you really think so?!”  I think I said this a little too excitedly.

Jessica said, “Of course, it’ll be you. Who else is as capable as you are.”

I said, “Awww thank you. I feel so humbled.”  I know I’ve said that Jessica is rude, loud and weird. But, she is very smart.

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